Accelerating the Best and Brightest, One Metric at a Time

Transparency starts at home and gener8tor’s mission requires it: to be the best partner for a community to invest into its own we need to show that those investments are sustainable AND reflect the community.

Featured Statistics

Cumulative Accelerator Statistics

These statistics represent all of our startup participants across investment accelerators and gBETA.


{{items[0]["fields"]["# Companies"] | addCommas }} Companies Supported
{{items[0]["fields"]["# Cohorts"] | addCommas}} Cohorts
{{items[0]["fields"]["# Employees"] | addCommas}} Jobs Created
{{items[0]["fields"]["Cumulative Funding"] | shorthandDollar }} Cumulative Funding

Race, Place & Gender

{{items[0]["fields"]["% Women Founders"] | toPercentage }} Women Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Women CEOs"] | toPercentage}} Women CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Founders of Color"] | toPercentage}} BIPOC Founders
{{ items[0]["fields"]["% CEOs of Color"] | toPercentage }} BIPOC CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Woman of Color Founders"] | toPercentage }} BIPOC Women Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Military Veteran Founders"] | toPercentage }} Military Veteran Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Underrepresented Founders"] | toPercentage }} Underrepresented Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Outside of Major Metros"] | toPercentage }} Outside of Major Tech Hubs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% LGBTQ Founders"] | toPercentage }} LGBTQ Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% LGBTQ CEOs"] | toPercentage }} LGBTQ CEOs

CEO & Founder Statistics: Ethnicity

{{items[0]["fields"]["% Asian-Indian Founder"] | toPercentage }} Asian-Indian Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Asian-Indian CEO"] | toPercentage}} Asian-Indian CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Asian-Pacific Founder"] | toPercentage}} Asian-Pacific Founders
{{ items[0]["fields"]["% Asian-Pacific CEO"] | toPercentage }} Asian-Pacific CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Black Founder"] | toPercentage }} Black Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Black CEO"] | toPercentage }} Black CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Latinx Founder"] | toPercentage }} Latinx Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Latinx CEO"] | toPercentage }} Latinx CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Native American Founder"] | toPercentage }} Native American Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Native American CEO"] | toPercentage }} Native American CEOs

Investment Accelerator Statistics

These statistics represent all of our startup participants across investment accelerators.


{{items[0]["fields"]["# Companies"] | addCommas }} Companies Supported
{{items[0]["fields"]["# Cohorts"] | addCommas}} Cohorts
{{items[0]["fields"]["# Employees"] | addCommas}} Jobs Created
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Closed"] | toPercentage}} Closed
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Exited"] | toPercentage}} Exited
{{ items[0]["fields"]["%>$1M or Exited (All Time)"] | toPercentage }} Raised over $1M or Exited, All Time
{{items[0]["fields"]["% >$250k or Exited (All time)"] | toPercentage }} Raised over $250K or Exited, All Time
{{items[0]["fields"]["Non-Dilutive Funding"] | shorthandDollar}} Non-Dilutive Funding
{{items[0]["fields"]["Dilutive Funding"] | shorthandDollar}} Dilutive Funding
{{items[0]["fields"]["Cumulative Funding"] | shorthandDollar }} Cumulative Funding

Race, Place & Gender

{{items[0]["fields"]["% Women Founders"] | toPercentage }} Women Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Women CEOs"] | toPercentage}} Women CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Founders of Color"] | toPercentage}} BIPOC Founders
{{ items[0]["fields"]["% CEOs of Color"] | toPercentage }} BIPOC CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Woman of Color Founders"] | toPercentage }} BIPOC Women Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Military Veteran Founders"] | toPercentage }} Military Veteran Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Underrepresented Founders"] | toPercentage }} Underrepresented Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Immigrant Founders"] | toPercentage }} Immigrant Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% LGBTQ Founders"] | toPercentage }} LGBTQ Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% LGBTQ CEOs"] | toPercentage }} LGBTQ CEOs

CEO & Founder Statistics: Ethnicity

{{items[0]["fields"]["% Asian-Indian Founder"] | toPercentage }} Asian-Indian Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Asian-Indian CEO"] | toPercentage}} Asian-Indian CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Asian-Pacific Founder"] | toPercentage}} Asian-Pacific Founders
{{ items[0]["fields"]["% Asian-Pacific CEO"] | toPercentage }} Asian-Pacific CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Black Founder"] | toPercentage }} Black Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Black CEO"] | toPercentage }} Black CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Latinx Founder"] | toPercentage }} Latinx Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Latinx CEO"] | toPercentage }} Latinx CEOs
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Native American Founder"] | toPercentage }} Native American Founders
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Asian-Indian CEO"] | toPercentage }} Native American CEOs

gBETA Statistics

These statistics represent all of our startup participants across gBETA.

Loading statistics...

Error loading data: {{ errorMessage }}


{{ formatNumber(items[0].fields["# Companies"]) }} Companies Supported
{{ formatNumber(items[0].fields["# Cohorts"]) }} Cohorts
{{ formatNumber(items[0].fields["# Employees"]) }} Jobs Created
{{ toPercentage(items[0].fields["% Closed"]) }} Closed
{{ toPercentage(items[0].fields["% Exited"]) }} Exited
{{ shorthandDollar(items[0].fields["Cumulative Funding"]) }} Cumulative Funding

Skills Statistics

These statistics represent all of our skills accelerator participants.

Loading statistics...


{{ getField("Participants") }} Participants
{{ getField("Graduated") }} Graduates
{{ getField("% Graduated") }} Graduation Rate
{{ getField("% Hired Placement") }} Placement Rate
{{ getField("Avg Salary") }} Average Salary
{{ getField("Annual Economic impact of Graduate Salaries Rollup (from Skills Accelerator Markets)") }} Economic Impact

Error loading data. Please try again later.

Creative Accelerator Statistics

These statistics represent all of our creative accelerator participants.

gener8tor Art

{{items[0]["fields"]["Grant $ Distributed"] | shorthandDollar }} Grants Distributed
{{items[0]["fields"]["# Participants"] | addCommas}} Participants
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Women Participants"] | toPercentage}} Women
{{ items[0]["fields"]["% BIPOC Participants"] | toPercentage }} BIPOC
{{items[0]["fields"]["% LGBTQ"] | toPercentage }} LGBTQ+
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Participants with a disability"] | toPercentage }} Person with a Disability

gener8tor Music

{{items[0]["fields"]["# Participants"] | addCommas}} Participants
{{items[0]["fields"]["% Women Participants"] | toPercentage}} Women
{{ items[0]["fields"]["% BIPOC Participants"] | toPercentage }} BIPOC