Announcing Our Newest Partner, Prentice Keller

Today we’re excited to announce the newest addition to our gener8tor Partner team, Prentice Keller. 

Whenever we introduce gener8tor we do so by our mission of enabling communities to invest in their best and brightest. It takes a special person to introduce something this ambitious while also conveying the often first-of-its-kind approach to our products that we believe make our mission possible. Prentice reflects not only our mission but channels it to help communities understand it and how they can participate in making it possible. For her efforts we are forever grateful and lucky to introduce her as our newest Partner at gener8tor.

We first met Prentice through our work with WeWork in Minneapolis where she was then helping to lead the company’s expansion through the middle of the country. We knew based on her work there and at companies like HubSpot and Love Your Melon that she knew how to thread community, startups and partnerships. 

What we did not know was her work ethic, which has since become legendary in our company. 

She has overseen many of gener8tor's partnerships that led to new program establishment including those in the States of Alabama, Alaska, Delaware and South Carolina as well as those in the cities of Appleton, Wisconsin and Miami, Florida. gener8tor now operates in 41 markets across the globe.

It comes as no surprise to anyone who works with her that Prentice was a D-1 college hockey player. She completes whatever task she finds and learns to improve as a matter of course. 

She arrived at gener8tor to help us pull together community partners as gener8tor considered where and how best to expand its effort. This was and is no easy task as gener8tor partnerships follow no business school course curriculum I’ve ever encountered. Our programs depend on buy-in across a wide set of stakeholders ranging from investors to government to Fortune 500 to community leaders and respected nonprofits. And the form of our work often involves complex agreements between these stakeholders that could trip at any misalignment. 

Prentice figured out how to not only manage this process from start to finish but then how to do it in our startup culture that itself was changing by the week. Prentice’s discipline has produced a growth team whose weekly updates capture some of the most exciting efforts to bring our mission across the country and now into international communities. 

Along the way she has been a respected leader in our company whose commitment to be a team player makes others around her better. Whether it’s right or wrong I’ve come to think of the skills you could gain as a collegiate athlete to include team attitude because of Prentice.

I joke that the best analogy I could think of for our partnership is Knights of the Roundtable format where we each take responsibility for the well being of our mission beyond the scope of our daily activities. And a Partner title lags the contribution of anyone to that work. But the analogy certainly applies to Prentice’s work at this company as she grows through her fourth year here.

Congrats to Prentice and we are thrilled to celebrate her achievement at our humble startup’s highest rank. 


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