Grow your startup in Friuli Venezia Giulia with an International Focus.

About the Program
gener8tor, commissioned by and in collaboration with Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia, has opened a Call aimed at startups interested in participating in the startup day event which will be held in Trieste on 29 and 30th May. The opportunity will be given to a selection of startups from Friuli Venezia Giulia to participate in the event and showcase their innovative solutions. The selected startups will go through a program that will aim to make the startups investment ready for the international market.
Up to seven startups are selected from a competitive applicant pool to participate in the free 8-session program. Participating companies receive:
individualized coaching and mentorship from the team of international accelerator gener8tor on company growth and investor readiness
investor and accelerator pitches
support and gener8tor community involvement.
You're based in Friuli Venezia Giulia
The Friuli Venezia Giulia project is for innovative companies (“Startup” “Start-up Innovative” and “PMI Innovative”) with headquarters and/or operations in Friuli Venezia Giulia, Italy.
Development lines consistent with one or more of the following areas:
S4 – 5 areas of specialization 2021-2027 approved by the S3 strategic steering committee
Energy transition, circular economy and environmental sustainability.
Intelligent Factory and Sustainable Development of Made in Italy supply chains.
Maritime Technologies - Sustainable Waterborne Mobility and its land connections.
Health, Quality of life, Agri-food and Bioeconomy.
Cultural heritage, design, creative industry, tourism.
Investment Attraction FVG – Priority areas of active research for attracting investments identified by Agenzia Lavoro & SviluppoImpresa (decree no. 52 of 29/4/2021)
ICT linked to the creation of software, IT services, intermediation
platforms, creation of digital content, data centres ,
professional services related to engineering;
metalworking linked to industry 4.0, engineering, technological or
digitalisation consultancy, machinery, industrial plants and equipment;
life sciences related to biopharmaceuticals, and medical equipment
and devices;
agri-food linked to innovative food;
Clusters – Regional clusters recognized according to regional law n.3, 2015 “Rilancimpresa FVG – Reform of industrial policies”
Life sciences
Furniture and Home systems
Culture and Creativity
Maritime Technology
You're Committed
While we don't expect you to be full-time on your business yet, programming is about a five-hour commitment each week, and we expect that you will be spending additional time working on your business each week outside of the program.
You’re Ready to Grow
The program companies range from "I have an idea" to "I have significant revenue." As long as you are ready to make use of coaching on customer growth and investor readiness, mentor meetings, and investor and pitches, we're ready for you!
What’s the program schedule like?
Team Meetings feature individualized coaching and mentorship from the gener8tor team.
Mentor networking is an opportunity to meet with mentors including serial entrepreneurs, subject matter experts, and investors.
Investor opportunity for each company to pitch to angel investors, VCs and accelerators.
Participation in the event. The event aims to showcase investment opportunities in Friuli Venezia Giulia and to foster connections and collaboration between regional startups, innovative companies, corporates, investors, and venture capitalists.
A startup is understood as "an enterprise established no more than sixty months ago," as per Regional Law February 22, 2021, no. 3. The requirements must be met at the date of submission of the expression of interest.
The definition of an "innovative startup" is contained in Article 25, paragraph 2, of Law Decree no. 179/2012 (converted in law). According to this provision, an innovative startup is a startup registered in the special section of the Business Register. The requirements must be met at the date of submission of the expression of interest.
The definition of a "innovative PMI" is contained in Article 4 of Law Decree no. 3/2015 (converted in law). According to this provision, an innovative PMI is a company registered in the special section of the Business Register. The requirements must be met at the date of submission of the expression of interest.
A free, top-notch program for companies that are looking to achieve rapid growth and/or raise venture capital. gener8tor helps entrepreneurs work in and on their business while also attaining the entrepreneurial mindset needed to be successful.
Through one-on-one interaction with gener8tor employees, mentors and investors, program participants gain valuable personalized insights that can be applied to their business strategy. Program focus areas include gaining an entrepreneurial mindset, validating the company, growing customer traction, and preparing for investor pitches.
Benefits include:
• access to gener8tor’s robust network of thousands of fellow entrepreneurs, mentors and investors, and warm introductions to those most relevant to your business;
• membership in gener8tor’s startup community of thousands of startup founders, with access to gener8tor’s network, events and resources.
There is an online application that you fill out to be considered for the program.
Once applications close, a gener8tor employee will notify you if you have been selected for an interview.
After interviews are complete, the gener8tor employee will follow up to let you know if you have been selected.
We usually require four to six hours per week of meetings, plus follow-ups and other outside time that founders will need to spend working on their businesses.
While we cannot make guarantees in terms of potential investments, we work very hard to ensure that the program puts you in the best position possible to improve your business.
Have a Question About this Program? Contact the Program Manager
Claudius Taylor
Program Manager, Friuli Venezia Giulia Program
Mentors are crucial to the success
of the Friuli Venezia Giulia program.
Every week, we invite a handful of mentors to work with each of the program teams over a session virtually. During the Mentor session, mentors will be at stations and the cohort rotates. Each startup having 15-20 minutes per mentor. The startup will start by pitching and presenting an ask to the mentor, and the mentor can give any feedback to the startup.